Ep 100: It’s Episode 100!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s episode 100! I’m using a lot of exclamation points because evidently I use a lot of exclamation points in episode titles!

Show Notes

When Travis and I started this up (me as more of a joke) neither of us realized we’d come this far. Thankfully, because of the nature of obsessive compulsives (which I’m confident everyone has some ounce of about stuff… isn’t that what habits are made of?) neither of us could let the show stop after 10… or 20… or 52… or episode 100. We both enjoy doing this stuff and we both have aspirations to branch out into new territory. It’s been an extremely rewarding experience from day one. We’ve both learned new sills and can safely call ourselves podcasters.

As we move into the future, we have some scheduled changes to the show format. The basics of the show won’t change, we’ll still be two guys talking about stuff that interests us, but we’re moving to a bi-weekly schedule from here on out. This grants us the flexibility to enhance the site, create new content, and stay friends with each other (that’s not an issue, actually…).

Travis has a new IP he’s working on for 2017, and aside from Submitted for Your Approval, I have a project or two I’m working on. Additionally, keep an eye out for our joint project in preparation for Season 3 of a certain amazing show that Brandon loves to death (you get +5 points if you guess which one it is).

All in all, this has been an amazing experience. I want to say, from the bottom of my heart, I’m looking forward to 2017 as being a wonderful year for the brand. Thank you for everything you’ve said, done, or listened to over the past two years and we’ll see you for some amazing stuff in 2017 and beyond!