Ep 84 – Technology: What You Need


Look, if someone’s gonna make a poor decision, it’s gonna be Apple.

Also, if it’s going to be a poor decision but eventually turn people, begrudgingly, onto the idea, it’s gonna be Apple.

The removal of the 3.5 mm jack is, on the surface, a pretty terribad idea. There are already so many memes explaining exactly why this is a bad idea. One of my favorites is the person that says about the Apple headphone dongle, “Oh great, another thing for me to forget at home when I’m running late for a 14 hour flight.”

I think there are legitimate issues when it comes to the removal of the headphone jack. Definitely in the interim, it is inconvenient and a hassle and a dumb decision. But, on the other hand, Apple knows that the future is an actual thing and not a vague concept. There will always be a place for 3.5mm and 1/4″ for that matter, but there is room to improve upon the current tech.

I’m not generally a fan of being force fed new things. An example is Sony pushing Blu Ray down our throats. Guess what, that’s standard now, moreso than regular DVD players. But I understand the business behind it.

We’ll see what the future holds for Apple’s decision. We’ll see if it bears fruit! (get it?! Cause Apple is a fruit?!)

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