RaM Bonus Ep 58 – The Rickest Rickmobile Interview!

While Brandon was off fn’ around on a Carnival cruise to Alaska, Travis stuck to pure journalism and got an interview with the Rickmobile man, Randall!

Show Notes – The Rickest Rickmobile

Main Thang – Rickmobile with Randall

Travis managed to snag an interview with Randall, the MC Host for the Rickmobile! That’s right, the same Rick and Morty vehicle that’s driving across the USA!

Among the things they discussed:

  • Is it a stick shift?
  • How many people have they killed?
  • Who’s the Mortyest Morty?

More picture prooooof!

We know you’re dying to get a chance to get some of that cool-ass Rick and Morty swag, so be sure to check out their dates here. Oh, and tell them we say hello on their Twitter @Rickmobile

As an added bonus, Randall said he would proudly display our podcast magnet somewhere… so if he did, make sure to take a picture and shoot it to one of our social media spots belooowwwww!


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